Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why Would Someone Tell Me That He/She Is Not Going to Read My Blog?

The person who has a recent picture of the deadbeat and won't share it has informed me she is not going to read my blog. Not that I care if she does or does not, but I wonder why she felt it necessary to tell me this? I am sure if I had not told her that I am writing a blog and she found out later that I did she would be even more upset. Maybe she is secretly reading it but wants me to get upset by thinking that she is not. Fat chance. I don't care who reads this blog if anyone. As I already heard from at least one person I know that someone reads it, so I know that my ruminations are not totally going to waste beyond it just being cathartic for me.
This same person also finds it necessary to contact every person who is in some way related to her although some of these people have never heard of her, or had no contact with her practically her whole life. She claims it is so her child will have an extended family as this child has none from the father's side (we don't want to go into why this is so). This child has a perfectly good extended family on the side of the man who helped raise it since age two, they all love it and include it in their life and the child probably could not care less about all these blood relatives. So what is it with this person who needs to contact them all and wants to have a relationship with them? What kind of weird need does she have for this? Some of these relatives don't speak English as as a first language as they live in other countries, she did not contact them. To my knowledge only a few of those she contacted responded.  

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