Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mail Was Returned and I Still Don't Have a Buyer for my Dining Set, the Cats are Fighting and Some Guy Tried to Feel Me Up

I got the mail I sent to the deadbeat back in the mail, with a message from the post office "attempted, not known". That's strange. I had gotten that address from a reliable source, on the internet. So I called my source asking what gives. He checked it out, apparently had paid good money for whatever program he had, and after checking again said "oh, THAT  person had died 4 years ago, same name, was only 40 years old, let me check in reverse" and he came up with a different address which also had the deadbeat's wife's name attached to it, saying " this one is ok, shows correct age and also wife with correct name and a Junior who lives in Colorado". Well, at least all of this matches. So I sent him this "notice of substitution of Attorney", told him to mail it to the correct address, he said he would mail it with receipt required so that somebody has to sign it, in his wife's name which is not known to anyone. That was a week ago and I have not heard anything else. In the meantime I expected the second mailing to be returned to me but that has not happened, still waiting. I want to make sure the deadbeat gets his summons to show up in court. If he doesn't it won't be my fault that he didn't get the summons. But I really need that summons back in the mail so that I can get it sent to a different address. And I need the "proof of mailing" to the second address so I can file it with the court. Why do some people drag their feet after they say they will help me out? That is really frustrating and angry-making. I think I will need a different person to do my mailing for me as I can't do it myself since I am the "interested person and part of this action".  So much for that for the time being.

Two of my cats got into a fight today and I'm not sure which ones. I think it was the "new" cat who has been here three months now, a big Maine Coon cat named Rumpus, a cowardly lion who weighs only 11 lbs and should weigh 15 lbs,  and my Birman named Capucchino, who is younger by several years but weighs as much as Rumpus. There was a lot of  BLOOD on the arm of my new chair and on one of the sofa pillows, and I had left the room just long enough to go to the bathroom. So I had to get a wet towel and  I scrubbed the arm of the chair to get the blood off, soaked the pillow cover and that's all clean now and drying outside. I didn't see any blood on any of the cats but Rumpus was on his tree, licking his paws, so maybe Capucchino got him on his paws. He won't let me look at them. The other two cats are not likely to have been in that fight: Sascha is too old and a lover not a fighter, and Ralphie was sleeping in the other room, he would have been the other suspect. Capucchino had started a fight once before so she is the prime suspect. And they say that a female cat doesn't have anything to argue about. Tell that to Capucchino!

Have you ever seen a cat that was concerned about the well-being of others, animal or human? Sascha is one of those. If he hears some commotion of the other cats he comes running, mouwing the whole time, I mean mouwing as he does not say "meow", but "mouw with out the "me" ", very pitiful. He does the same thing if I am in pain, very weird, I have never seen a cat do that and I have had plenty of them at one time or another. He was still going around "mouwing" when I came back into the room after the fight.

I keep my computer in the guest bedroom. They say it's not good for your psyche to keep it in your own bedroom and since I don't have that many guests this works out fine. But I am habitually not putting my paper work away, I just dump it wherever in the guest bedroom. So there is always stuff all over the desk, on top of the printer and sometimes on the bed. No wonder I can't find things. There is really no reason for this, it wouldn't take any longer to file stuff than to just dump it. So today I actually got things done in there. I put a small bookcase on top of the desk (shades of University times), put the one shelf really up high so that the monitor fits onto the bottom, got all the cables tamed (that was a real mess) and put an "in-box' on the desk to hold all the stuff I usually dump. At least there is a place for that now and I might even get around to go through all that stuff and put it where it belongs, maybe even just trash some of it. In any case, I actually found my desk under all of that stuff and I now have room to put some of the things where I can find them instead of burrowing like a mole in the dark without finding what I'm looking for. Wanna bet how long it will take me to make a mess out of my desk again?

Got a call from my cable company where I also have my internet connection. After I had someone work on my computer which I had messed up trying to get rid of some programs, I needed a password to get back into my Outlook Express (I also keep a hotmail address) and after trying in vain to talk to someone on the phone (on hold forever, being disconnected, being transferred etc) I gave that up as being not productive and just sent an e-mail.explaining my problem. It took two working days for someone to call me and within 3 minutes the problem was solved, I just needed a new password, for some reason it would not accept my old password which I had forgotten. Yeah, now I have my Outlook Express back and I still have my hotmail address too!

Still no buyer for the dining set. It's too big, the blond oak does not match anything else I have which is more contemporay, leaning on Danish Modern besides a real Mission rocker from 1908, signed by Stickley, which I will never get rid of although I want to get it reupholstered in leather to bring it back to its original state.
I want that oak set GONE. The price is right, but there is so much stuff for sale these days with the economy being what it is. I've put up an ad in two laundry rooms, I think I will also put it up at the local laundromat. I've had three nibbles from my ad on Craigslist, but nothing has materialized. The local consignment store won't give me enough, they take half of what it sells for plus $75.00 to pick it up. That won't leave me enough to be worth my time. I don't want the consignment store to get the lion's share. I have a perfectly good solid walnut table I want in the place of this huge oak table, I just need some nice chairs to go with it, preferably Danish Modern style. I have chairs from IKEA that are servicable but not what I want. But I need to get rid of the oak table and chairs first.

I got so much stuff done today I am amazed at myself. I had bought this bed from IKEA that has drawers underneath for extra storage (have you ever seen anyone who did have enough storage?) and of course I could not get it all put together in one day. The bed itself was actually the big job, I got that all done in one day, I was all tuckered out after that. Some guy I had met just puttering around in my mini garden plot came by yestrday just to say hello, so I told him I was busy putting this bed together, did he want to see how it was coming along. Yeah sure, he was quite willing to do that and actually pointed out where I was stuck trying to find the right pieces that looked too much alike and then he tried to feel me up! I could hardly believe it. Come on, at my age! Acting like a horny teenager. Let me get to know you first. Did this guy think I was really hard up for a man? Give me a break. I don't need a man just to scratch an itch.

Anyway, today I got all four of those drawers put together, went like a dream, and I promptly put stuff into them that usually just clutters up the place. Sets of sheets that go on my bed are in there, but also some mailing tubes that never have a good place, a record turntable that does not have a home right now. I also put some wire baskets under the guest bed for all the light bulbs, extension cords, powers strips, floppy disks and other computer stuff I don't use frequently.
I will tame this clutter yet. A place for everything and everything in its place. Hmm, I wonder how long that is going to last. Some people are just naturally organized, others have to work at it (I'm one of those) and then there are those who are so unorganized it's pitiful. Put that together with being a packrat and you've got a disaster. I'll talk about that another time as I have a friend who is one of those. She will probably be mad if she recognizes herself here. This is not the one who moved who was not a packrat, just one who had a hard time making up her mind about anything.       

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