Thursday, August 5, 2010


Well, I didn't get everything done but most of it. I went out and got a phone with an answering machine built in as I finally broke down and got a land line again, at $10.00 a month with no charge at all for the first  3 months I could not go wrong. It's bundled with my internet and cable TV with all calls within California for free. Whomever I call out of state I call on my cell anyway so this is a really good deal.
A landline is a godsend when there is an emergency as the operator will know exactly where you are, and when you can barely talk because you are injured or sick that is really helpful. Also I can locate my cell that way when I have misplaced it, again! That's just an extra bonus. Now I can also tell my friends to call me on my landline so I don't use up all my minutes.Who needs overcharges.

When I first went into my living room this morning it seemed to be empty. I guess it must have really been crowded and cluttered before I moved things around and out. I got 95% percent of the stuff off the table and either put away or discarded. I dreaded that job but now it's done and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The bathroom floor is washed and while I was at it I washed the kitchen floor with vinegar water too. That took all the left-over detergent off the floor and now it looks as if I had polished it, nice! I'll have to do that more often. The laundry is still waiting to be done, oh well, there is always another day and as long as I still have clean underwear and socks I'll be ok

Yesterday I got a call from a friend who had moved out of state. Talk about a one-sided conversation. She talks and talks and talks, can barely get a word in edgewise besides uhumm and oh-oh, and then she runs down after half an hour or so saying she has got to go and this will be continued. Rather exhausting, but she is like that in person too and really quite sweet, and I hate that she left. She just has too many things all going on at the same time and does not seem to know how to compartmentalize things, just do one thing at a time, you're not going anywhere so slow down, don't try to do it all at the same time as then you won't get anything done and it will keep until tomorrow, guaranteed. She's just not organized at all.
Her move was just about impossible. First she waited until the last minute to start packing instead of starting that as soon as she knew she was going to leave even if she did not have an exact date. And then she could not decide what she was going to take and what she would leave, donate or sell. Can you believe she was still packing on the last day and had to clean up her condo too before she could leave? No wonder she had three people helping her including me. She said she could not have done it without our help and I can very well believe that. Left to her own devices she would probably still be deciding what to take with her and she has been gone for over a month. But I do miss her and who knows when I will see her again.

So I will spend a quiet evening at home, have a glass of wine or two, drink to the health of my friends and go to bed early for a change. I'll do the laundry tomorrow, maybe even early as I have someplace to go at 9 a.m. Then maybe I'll do it after I return, it will all sort itself out in the morning..


  1. Scatter brain is what she's called. Those are typically the nicest people, for that reason, it makes it nearly impossible to be stern with them and tell them how annoyed you are with their disorganization. My move was a hectic one also...I waited to the last minute. I didn't want to clear out any belongings and just put the whole thing off. Next thing I knew, it was time to get out within 72 hours. My then boyfriend, did the majority of the work and resented it deeply. It taught me a lesson, a scatterbrain inconveniences others that are trying to help them and pretty soon, nobody wants to help them any longer. Even though you are unorganized and don't mean any of what you are doing intentionally, people see it as a burden and as if they are being taken advantage of. Ah well....
    I'm learning that organization truly is a state of mind. People are often unorganized in the hopes of avoiding the reality of their lives/ situation. This comes in other forms procrastination.

  2. Scatterbrain? Procratination, ok. But scatterbrain???? I don't think so.
