Thursday, July 29, 2010

Unpaid Child Support and Texas Liars

So this is how I start. This person who shall remain un-named does not want to be uncomfortable. This may be ok if we are talking about physically being uncomfortable such as being too hot or too cold, or clothes that scratch or are too tight, that sort of thing. But when it comes to being uncomfortable in a different way, such as not liking a particular subject that came up in a conversation, that's a different matter. There is no Right not to be offended or to hear or see in print things that make you uncomfortable. Deal with it. If everything was just hunky-dory all the time then nothing would ever change and how boring would that be.

 So what set all this off? Just a little matter of unpaid child support from a long time ago. The deadbeat had finally been found and now is going to be served with papers why he did not pay the ordered child support for all these years.
 You guessed it, the injured party is me and you shall see in these pages how this is coming along among other things that happen to cross my mind, some very mundane and others that hopefully will be of interest to some people. If not, that's ok too, writing this kind of thing, which used to be called a journal, is very therapeutic. Sometimes when things make you angry, you can just write them down which in turn makes you think about them a little more and you find they were not really that important and thus not worth the time to get angry about them. Others will make you feel better simply because you got them off your chest. Since this is going out for everyone to see, maybe somebody can even come up with a solution to some problem or other.
So back to the deadbeat. This is what I will call him as those who know me will know who I am talking about, and those who don't also do not need to know his name. He lives in another state and I am sure is already royally upset with me since he got the first papers in the mail. These were just to inform him that I will be my own attorney but it did not say what about. I would think that he can guess that it will  not be anything good.
He promptly married again, fathered another child whom he named after himself. So now he has a "junior", big deal, I would not have burdened a child with that name. I don't know what has happened to that woman, maybe she has died, but in any case he is not married to her either and about 5 years ago he acquired wife number 3. This one was his highschool sweetheart, my, it's a small world.
 How did I finally track him down? Facebook, that's a real blabbermouth and some people post so much stuff that even if you can't recognize their picture or there is none, there are enough people who are their "friends" that you can just contact them and make inquiries that will ascertain that the person whose facebook you are looking at is indeed the person you thought it was. Now if somebody sent me an inquiry like that I would either ignore it or I would ask what the inquirer needed that info for. But I got info back from both people whom I had contacted and it gave me what I needed.
 Then I asked my computer how to get an address and I found a freebie website that did just that and even gave me a phone number which I then inputted in reverse and that result also told me he had a MySpace account. I promptly looked that up and found a pile of junk and lies on that.
 Ho ho, he was in Vietnam? Flying Cobra aircraft? Pack of lies. He got out of the service in 1966 when Vietnam had not yet heated up, and he never flew anything but paper airplanes as he had been a clerk-typist while in the Army. I guess some people just have to puff themselves up because their self-esteem is so low.

 Oh, did I mention he's from Texas? They have a saying there that everything grows big in Texas. For some things that's even true: I never saw jack rabbits as big as they have them there and longhorn cattle do have horns that are really unbelievable. The first ones I saw were mounted on the wall of some bar and I thought they were made out of plastic. The next one was mounted on the hood of one of those giant cars from the 60s and the horns were wider than the car. Again I did not believe that they were real horns. That is until I saw a real live longhorn bull, and those horns were so big you'd think the animal could not possibly carry them around all the time and they were the same size or even bigger than the ones mounted on the wall and on the car.
 But back to what I was saying about everything allegedly being so big in Texas. Well, that includes liars. Those people do tell the tallest tales. The problem is that they do that routinely in everyday life also. Seems they can't tell anything without exaggerating it (hey, did I spell that correctly?). I would hope that there are some Texans that don't do that, but I ran into so much of this that it seemed to be an overwhelming Texas trait.
So this Texas fool had all this info on his facebook that allowed me to not only locate him but also gave his address so that now I could serve him papers. I just got the second set of papers from the court clerk today, so now he will get those served on him too and I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he gets them. I hope he doesn't get a heart attack when he gets them as I really want to collect my money.            

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