Friday, July 30, 2010

Papers are Filed, the Deadbeat Has Been Served

Today I had a friend serve the papers on the deadbeat via mail. The certificate of Service by Mail was filed with the Court Clerk today also, he should have it by Monday or Tuesday. He's going to EXPLODE!!!
I can just hear his common mouth going on and on: "That b---, that f----ing b---, can't she leave me in peace!!!, after all these years!!!, f--- her! She's threatening me!!! G---d--- her!!! She's gonna cost me my job!!! blah-blah-blah! She's not gonna get a cent!!! So this is what this was all about!!!" etc etc etc.  It will be interesting to see if he is going to show up in court. In a way I wish he would just so I can see what he looks like in person, that picture on facebook doesn't say much and he's hiding behind big sunglasses. The one person who does have a current picture won't share it because she is mad at me, oh well. I have one other picture but it is of very poor quality so that does not help much. In any case, he seems to have grown quite fat and what I can see of his face is not very attractive, definitely not what had attracted me to him so many years ago. The only thing left is a shock of thick hair which maybe is not even dyed which is an accomplishment at his age.
On the other hand I wish he did not show up: first because I do not want to hear any rants on his part, second because if he does not show up the judge or commissioner should award me everything simply because he did not show up, that's called "default". After that it would be a case on how to collect or attach anything. I'll worry about that after the court date. To be continued...........
Nothing should be happening between now and two months from now, although he can "show cause" why he should not pay the owed child support and the few measly bucks in spousal support the court had awarded me.
Just about everybody is rooting for me that I am finally taking steps to collect what's owed. Most people crack up when I tell them how I finally found him: "Facebook? Oh, this is good. People put too much info out there. He got caught, good for you etc etc".

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