Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Hate Censorship

Nevertheless, since somebody got upset about something I wrote here although I have no idea what was supposed to be so bad that it got this person upset, I will bow and get rid of it. Self-censorship. Just as bad. Now I hope this person will be happy and forgive me for whatever I did wrong.
At first I thought "who are you to tell me what I can write in my blog which very few people will see anyway?" It's not like sky-writing where the whole world sees it. The only people who see a blog are those who were given the site and the very few who will run across it by accident and find the title intriguing enough to keep reading, and I doubt that this would be more than one or two. Most people won't even know what "ruminations" are. I gave this site to less than 10 people and I doubt that even half of them have ever read it, much less keep on reading it, to most of them the stuff I write they think is too esoteric (not).
But then I thought, why upset this person, get rid of the part of the blog that causes such turmoil and be done with it. I just won't mention this person ever again.
So with a few lines and the "delete" button everything should be good in the world again. Aren't computers wonderful that you can do that?
So, now I feel better, this now unknown person will feel better (I hope) and life goes on.

Another time I will write about what I really think about censorship and the evil it brings.

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